How often do we allow ourselves to desire things - to look at life from uncorrupted place of yearning? Not very often. Life gets in the way…
In the noisy, busy world we live in today, it is difficult to know what we truly want, and even if we do know, to make our desires happen.
In fact, there is a difference between a desire and a want. And in that difference lies our ability to manifest the life worth living.
If you are yearning to create a life and career you want…
if you want to be truly you in your interactions and relationships….
If you want more abundance and flow….
If you want to live on purpose rather than be reactive…
If you want to feel that you have time and space….
….. then you should join this one hour online session - a webinar - where amongst all else, we will discuss the mindset which will get you where you truly want to go in life and in your career.
Join this session and:
- learn about creation vs reaction in life and career
- how to live in alignment with your authentic self
- how to create an authentic career which reflects you, your skills and strengths
- how to achieve non-attachment, and instead attunement in your life and in your work
- what does abundance have to do with creation
Cost: by Donation